Investing in new tech could save your business significant money in the long term. So what signs should you look out for, to know whether it’s time for an update?
Most consumers agree that if a company is using outdated technology, they are more likely to take their business elsewhere. A recent study by Microsoft found that technology which is over four years old experiences an average of 21 hours of downtime, and that computers over three years old are 53% more susceptible to malware attacks and viruses. Is it really any wonder that those kinds of risks will send customers packing? You might believe that sticking with older hardware and software is a good way to save money, but investing in some new office tech could save you cash and business, while increasing productivity.
If you recognise any of the tell tale signs listed below, it’s probably time to upgrade your business tech. Here are some of the most common indicators that something is not right with your office tech, courtesy of Syntax IT Support London.
Low productivity levels
Low productivity may not be entirely the fault of the staff. If employees are trying to reach deadlines using a slow, outdated system, waiting for things to load and dealing with computer crashes may be seriously hindering their ability to do their job. It may even make them feel unmotivated. What’s the point of putting in 100% if the system is only going at 65%? The lower productivity gets, the more your revenue will suffer. Updating the technology your staff use could fix these productivity problems permanently.
Slow connection speeds
If opening a browser at work gives you flashbacks about bad dial-up internet connections (if you’re old enough to remember that), then it’s definitely time for an upgrade. Slow internet connection affects how quickly you and your staff can research information and figures, email colleagues, video call clients, and generally get work done. Contact your internet provider to see what they can offer you in terms of upgrades for your broadband package. A small increase in your monthly bill could save you much more in productivity.
More frequent attacks to security
Hackers will find and exploit any weakness they find in your network security, and outdated firewalls and security measures offer a lot of targets. If you’ve noticed an increase in low scale cyber attacks in recent months, it’s time to take action. 60% of small businesses that experience a cyber attack will go out of business within six months. To prevent your business from becoming another part of this statistic, contact an IT specialist to see what can be done to strengthen online security.
Constant crashes
The most common reason for regular computer crashes is the age of the machine. A crash can lead to a lot of stress for your company; causing deadlines to be missed, data to be lost, and client trust to be undermined. Replacing old machines can give your company back its competitive edge.
Hardware cannot be updated
If software isn’t installing on your computers, it is most likely a sign that the machine itself is outdated. Software creators slowly phase out older machines, so they aren’t limited in what they can make the software do. Instead of working with older, more vulnerable software, upgrade your hardware as soon as the problem arises.
Energy bills going through the roof
Older computers are not built to be energy efficient. If you’ve noticed a steady increase in your energy bills over time, it’s time to invest in some greener tech; tech which will do a better job and save you money.