Many athletes and bodybuilders use prohormones as a supplement to help them with their bodies. Some of them experience different results when using a variety of products because each person has a distinct body composition. You can read more about other roles of prohormones in this site.
A weightlifter or a discus thrower has similar goals, and those are to increase their strength, build muscles, and see results in the quickest possible time. With these goals in mind, some of them resort to using body boosters or supplements with prohormones.
What’s a Prohormone?
Many people think that prohormones are the naturally-occurring hormones in the body. This is not the case, as the two are different. The former is only a precursor to hormones, and it’s a substance that can be converted into a hormone by diffusing enzymes.
This means that when a prohormone such as dehydroepiandros enters the body, it can have little effect on its own. But when it is converted into estradiol or testosterone, its effects become limitless. Know more about prohormones when you click here.
Some even think that the prohormones are precisely the same as that of steroids. In a way, the two of them have similarities, but the former is a much weaker version of anabolic steroids. This means that there’s little risk of side effects, and it’s a much safer option compared to steroids.
Why Decide Against Using Anabolic Steroids?
Both of the prohormones and the steroids enhance an athlete’s performance or make a bodybuilder carry on with more tougher exercise routines. However, most people may find that the use of anabolic steroids is illegal in some states. If someone finds out that you are using one, you may be at risk of prosecution or being banned from playing sports.
Getting an unfair advantage on games with the help of steroids will make others think that it’s fine to destroy the liver and be addicted to some kinds of drugs to win a competition.
Some doctors and hospitals prescribe steroids, but this is only in rare cases of medical conditions. The steroids prescribed should be taken one at a time, and the recommended dose should be followed to prevent dependence on the drug.
Most of the supplements containing steroids may build up the muscles. However, they can have adverse effects on men’s sperm counts or fertility. The abuse and lack of in-depth research about its safety make anabolic steroids illegal in many countries today. You can know more references about them here:
In contrast, prohormones are much more legal options than steroids. They are only activated once the liver converts them into hormones. When one takes them correctly at the right dose, they can reap the benefits while avoiding the risks.
How to Take the Best Supplements?
Prohormones may be viewed as safer options compared to their counterpart. However, this does not mean that one should use them recklessly. To start with, if you are someone who wants to initiate using prohormones, you need to research and read more about them.
View them with caution and use them with care. Ask people who have already tried them for feedback and side effects that they might have possibly experienced. Legitimate manufacturers will often give instructions on the correct dosage but always ask your doctor to be on the safer side. Some of the essential factors that you should take into consideration include the following:
You Have to Be at the Right Age
If you are still underage or not yet 21, it is not advisable to use supplements and other drugs to boost your muscles. This is because you still have room for growth, especially about your physique. The supplements can affect you in irreversible ways, and they can even hinder growth when misused.
Most people experience problems such as kidney or liver problems when they are trying to use illegal supplements for muscle growth. Now, don’t get this wrong. It is fine to seek vitamins and supplements that will help you have a body that is muscular and strong. However, the drugs should only be prescribed by your doctor, and if you are unsure about a specific product, never experiment with it.
For people who are over 21 years of age, some of them may find that the supplements are more powerful than they expected. This means that they might experience growth in just two weeks, and they become dependent. In these cases, most bodybuilders should make sure to maintain short cycles. If they are using stacks, they should allow a period of rest to allow the body to make necessary repairs.
Cycles and Rests
The homeostasis or the natural state of the body is the time that it will return to its natural state, but this will be a stronger and more masculine version, especially if they were taking vitamins and supplements. It is recommended to undergo a post cycle therapy to help the body jumpstart its testosterone production and allow it to recover in the process.
An absolute must when it comes to the use of prohormones is no drinking of alcohol allowed. The substances in alcohol can negatively impact the liver. It is important to note that supplements containing prohormones also need the liver to become hormones.
If the work in the liver magnifies to something more than it can handle, this will cause irreversible damage and can harm one’s health. If you are into fitness, it is also important to note that alcohol inhibits muscle growth and can have adverse effects on someone’s health. If you are exercising and trying to get the help of prohormones, abstinence from alcohol is a must for you.
Legal Concerns
Depending on where you live, there are illegal and legal prohormones that are sold today. The right ones are effective, and they are tested by many third-party laboratories. They build strength, enable significant muscle gains, and they have strong anabolic potential. In 2012, lots of supplements in the market, claiming that they are effective, were banned. But today, some legal prohormones have started emerging in the markets in 2014. You can read about them on many sites and forums. Be sure to purchase only from legit companies to avoid complications.