Were you aware of the fact that one in five cats develops some form of cancer in their lifetime? I sure wasn’t, up until recently. So, those are not my words, but the words of the Animal Cancer Foundation. For me, that was an unexpected and shocking piece of information.
The reason I became interested in this topic in the first place is because I was looking for a way to help my sister’s feline friend. She was diagnosed with breast cancer two weeks ago. And I was hoping to find something that could at least ease the symptoms a little bit.
Inspiration Soon Came
Breast cancer turned out to be one of the three most common cancers developed among cats. Skin cancer and lymphoma are right there at the top as well. And while this disease is more common in dogs, it appears to be more aggressive among felines.
I have to admit that I had no intention of writing this article at all. My sole goal was to do as much research as possible in order to understand how to help my sister’s pet. That was until I came across a rather stunning story about a cat called Ginge and his battle with a paw tumor. Read here.
That story gave me hope and inspired me to raise people’s awareness about cannabidiol and the positive effects it can have on our pets. I was familiar with the product before and I even gave it to my healthy pets, so I very well know how it can affect their general wellbeing. Still, as much as I have read about its possible effects on cancer, nothing screamed more reliable than the above mentioned story.
Maybe that’s why I haven’t even given it the time of day before and never found it necessary to research CBD in connection with this disease. But, thanks to Ginge, it grabbed my interest and I did my homework on the topic. And now I have a possible solution to present to my sister.
First Things First
Still, before showing you what I have learned about CBD, I want to quickly go through some symptoms, in order make sure that you know how to notice the signs of cancer in your little fur ball. This allows you to discover the disease in its early stages. And I cannot stress enough how important that is for the whole treatment process.
A decrease in appetite should be your first sign that something is wrong. Among other things, that might be a symptom of gastrointestinal tumor. The same goes if you notice that your kitty is actually eating a lot, but rapidly losing weight. To make matters even more complicated, it can be the other way around – not eating, but gaining weight. In each of these cases, it’s time to visit the vet.
Two more easily visible symptoms are diarrhea and nose bleeds. As a cat owner, you have by now learned that these are not very good sings. Yet, you need to remember that the symptoms can be much more subtle. That’s why you need to consider all the changes in the behavior of your kitty. For example, if it begins hiding more often than it used to, that can also be a signal that something unpleasant is going on within its body.
So, the moment you notice something unusual in your cat’s behavior, I suggest you take it to the vet. It might not be anything serious, but that’s not up to you to guess. After all, we have professionals in this field for a reason. Use their services and keep your pet healthy.
Welcome To CBD
Now that we have covered the symptoms, I want to talk to you about the product that apparently saved Ginge’s life. When you take a few minutes to visit this cat friendly website, you will find that CBD oil is not as uncommon as you might have expected. The fact that you might not have heard about it by now might simply mean that you didn’t have the need to provide your pets with some extra care.
But, as I have already mentioned, CBD oil can also be given to completely healthy animals, in order to enhance their quality of life and make sure they stay healthy. So, you might want to get yourself properly informed and learn a few useful facts about this product.
Today, however, I will stick to explaining its effect in cancer treatment. But, before I do that, I need to address the issue of product safety. CBD oil is derived from a marijuana plant called hemp through CO2 extraction. The oil does not contain THC at all, and we all know that THC is the marijuana compound that gets us high. So, simply put – CBD oil is absolutely safe.
How It Works In Cancer Treatment
I am pretty sure that you know what an endocannabinoid system is. Plus, you are aware that all mammals, including your cat, have that system. What you might not have known is that this system regulates a variety of cognitive and physiological processes inside our bodies, from pregnancy, to appetite and pain. Naturally, it plays a major role in cancer treatment.
For starters, by influencing this system, CBD oil will ease the unpleasant symptoms in your pet, such as pain, vomiting and inflammation. This will bring comfort to your kitty and help it go through the whole treatment process in a slightly easier manner. The better it feels, the more energy it will have to use on fighting the malicious disease.
Now, here is how the product affects the very cancer cells. When these cells are exposed to CBD oil, that leads to apoptosis. This is a so-called “cellular suicide”. Simply put, that means that cancer cells die and the tumor’s further growth stops.
Huh, it’s no wonder that Ginge was so miraculously cured with this product. It appears that the tumor cells tremble before CBD oil and choose to “commit a suicide” rather than have to face it. Talk about a super drug.