In Concord, NC, humidity can affect the comfort of your home. It can also influence how much energy you use and even the value of your house. There are a few ways to help mitigate these costs and reduce indoor humidity. Dehumidifiers are just one solution to reducing the moisture in your home.
Try a Dehumidifier
A dehumidifier helps to remove moisture from the air and prevent harmful bacteria from growing in your home. Keeping humidity levels low improves your indoor air quality and even helps reduce energy usage—your HVAC system won’t have to work as hard. Dehumidifiers also can help in other areas, like helping to dry your clothes faster and making your food lasts longer by reducing the amount of moisture in the air.
Use a Humidity Monitor
You can get a humidity monitor to help you determine the level of humidity in your home, according to Dulin Mechanical. The ideal humidity level for a comfortable home is between 30% and 50% and ideally around 45%. If the humidity level is too low, your home may be too dry, and your sinuses may suffer.
Spruce Up Your Space With Houseplants
Many houseplants naturally absorb moisture in the air. The site DoItYourself suggests having indoor plants such as peace lily, reed palm, English ivy, Boston fern, and tillandsia. These plants absorb moisture from the air through their leaves, regardless of when the plants have been watered. Plus, if you forget to water these types of plants, the humidity will do it for you. So you can have some beautiful decorations in the house that also help reduce the moisture in your home.
Use Your Exhaust Fan
Don’t forget to use your exhaust fan while cooking or showering. The exhaust fan sucks up hot or humid air and allows fresh air to enter from a vent. It then sends the hot or humid air back outside. You could also reduce the amount of moisture that comes into your house by using lids on pots while cooking, taking cooler showers, and making sure your clothes dryer is vented outside.
Extend Your Downspouts Away From Your Home
Extending downspouts away from your home helps keep the excess moisture away from your walls and foundation. Make sure your gutters and downspouts are clean and clear before the next significant rainfall. Making these adjustments will help reduce indoor humidity.
Perform HVAC Maintenance
Regularly maintaining your HVAC not only helps to increase the life of your system, but it also helps keep indoor humidity at the right amount. Preventative maintenance, like duct inspection, can help you control the humidity levels in your home. An HVAC specialist from a company like Dulin Mechanical can also check for air or duct leaks, which may be contributing to higher humidity levels.
There are many ways to reduce the indoor humidity in your home, including regular HVAC maintenance. It’s important to note that maintaining a healthy level of moisture can help your sinuses and other allergies, helping you to be comfortable in your home.