More and more companies are deciding to go green. There are various benefits to it, and one of the most obvious is to help save the environment. Aside from that, going green can also help increase sales because many consumers are also now supporting environment-friendly businesses. Moreover, it can help determine responsible employees as you will see who cares for the surroundings and those who take part in the initiative. There are different ways to make your office greener and here are some of them.
Educate employees
An effective way to motivate employees to participate in your mission to go green is to educate them. Let them know its importance and what they can do to contribute. Schedule seminars that will discuss this information. You may invite speakers or panellists who are experts in this field, or if you have the time, you or the management team can lead the discussion. Post reminders around the office that will remind and encourage them about going green too.
Give rewards
Think of incentives that will motivate employees to go green and reward them. The prize doesn’t need to be grand; it can be as simple as a voucher or gift card for a coffee. Some of the things to consider are taking a greener commute and not using plastic in the office like plastic utensils. You may give a small reward to employees who do the challenge, and you can do it monthly.
Add more plants
Plants have several effects, including the decrease in stress level and increase in productivity of your employees. Some studies conducted have proven these effects, including one found in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology and one made by the researchers from Exeter University. Plants also help improve the indoor air quality by removing impurities and pollutants, which will also benefit your employees as it is good for their health. Start incorporating more plants in your office. Active living walls are also fantastic additions because they are not only relaxing to the eyes, but they are more effective in purifying the air.
Decrease thermostat temperature
Decreasing the thermostat temperature even by just one number may seem nothing, but it can have a significant effect in the long run. The small savings that you accumulate over time will still be something after some time. Plus, the less energy that you use, the more you help the environment because it lessens the emission of harmful gases produced when generating electricity.
Turn off lights and computers after business hours
Another way to save energy is to turn off lights in the office after business hours. Moreover, you can also encourage employees to ensure that they shut down their computers after work.
It’s not enough that you take the initiative to go green; you must take the lead and be a role model. The positive change must start from you and the management so that your subordinate will follow your good practices. Employees will be more inspired to go green if they see that you don’t just talk about it, but you do the work.