It is not healthy being a hoarder. It is even a mental health disorder if you ask some experts. However, there is a fine line between being a collector of valuable items and a hoarder. These signs will tell you that you have crossed that line and you are now a certified hoarder.
Your home starts to become unlivable
You need a place where you can rest after a long day at work. As you step into your house, you can barely move because it is already full. You started moving the furniture into the middle because the sides serve as a storage unit for all the things you have hoarded. If you already reached this stage, it is not healthy anymore.
You do not know where things are
Some people have massive collections, but they are all valuable to them. They can tell you where they keep things and take them out when necessary. Hoarders cannot do the same. They have a difficult time organizing their things. If you cannot arrange the clutter, it shows that you are already turning into a hoarder.
Most of the items you keep are of no value
You are a compulsive hoarder if most of the things you keep are of no importance. You do not even know why you are still holding on to them. They include mail, catalogs, old magazines, newspapers from years ago, and additional supplies.
You have a lot of pets
It is okay if you decide to take care of a pet. It becomes a problem when you cannot control the number of pets you own. It seems like your house is already a mini zoo. You do not mingle with other humans because you prefer playing with your cats. Your neighbors brand you the “cat lady” for a reason. At some point, having a lot of pets can be unhealthy for both you and the animals.
You already have an unhealthy home
Due to your inability to control things, your house will become unsanitary. Dust is everywhere. You cannot remember the last time you de-cluttered the place. You keep sneezing as you move around and you develop allergies. You have dishes from weeks ago that you are yet to clean.
You are becoming isolated
Increased social isolation is a sign that you have a severe disorder. Apart from your intention not to mingle with others, it also becomes increasingly difficult for you even if you want to. You cannot invite anyone to come over because your place looks so messy. You cannot even leave your house because you cannot find anything to wear.
You can invent as many excuses as you want, but these signs point to a disorder. You need to start hoarder cleaning now and do not wait until things get worse. You can ask for help from hoarder cleaners to be there for you as you go through this challenging phase. Let go of the things you have kept for years and start a new life.