Managing your money is important if you want to keep your finances in order. It’s something you have to do every single day to make sure you’re on track.
That doesn’t mean keeping track of your money is fun! So, when it’s time to go on vacation, many people look forward to worrying less about their financial accounts and more about spending money to have a good time.
You can definitely use your money to have a memorable vacation experience, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t continue to manage your money while you’re gone. Here are a few tips that will help you manage your accounts while you’re on vacation.
Have Someone Send You Cash with a Money Transfer Service
Carrying around cash is just asking for trouble. Not only can a pickpocket bankrupt you in an instant, exchange services can charge hefty fees. Instead of pulling out the cash you need before you leave, consider having someone back home send you the cash when you get there with Remitly.
All you have to do is pick up the cash at a local location. You don’t have to worry about all the stress that comes with carrying money at the airport and exchanging it before you get to your destination.
Get the Most out of Your Vacation Package
Managing your money means making sure you don’t spend more than you should while you’re away from home. One great way to spend less is to get the most out of your vacation package.
Most hotels and resorts offer freebies that you can take advantage of. Some might include free:
- Continental breakfast
- Drinks
- Admission to some attractions
- Soap and shampoo
- Travel magazines and brochures
Enable Text Alerts on Your Checking Account
While you’re at home, you probably check your account on a daily basis. That ensures you never spend more than you have, but it can also alert you to fraudulent activity that can be taken care of quickly.
You don’t want to spend your vacation monitoring your bank account! Instead, activate text alerts through your bank. You can automatically be alerted to a low balance or unusual activity without having to hound your account while you’re on the beach.
Automate Important Payments
If you don’t want to spend your vacation worrying about how much money is in your account, you’ll want to pay your bills even less. Don’t get stuck in your hotel room paying your cell phone bill when you can automate all your important payments instead.
You probably have certain payments that can’t be automated. For those, just make sure you pay them before you leave. Pay rent, household utilities, and insurance payments ahead of time so you aren’t waiting for the bill to show up in your inbox.
Managing your money doesn’t have to cause you stress while you’re on vacation. Make keeping track of your money easier with these tips and you’ll be able to worry less about money while you’re away from home.