If you are considering a nose job, or Rhinoplasty as it is known in medical circles, you may have several questions, that if left unanswered may hold you back from booking a consultation with a Rhinoplasty surgeon. So what are the top Chicago Rhinoplasty questions?
The Top Chicago Rhinoplasty Questions
And more importantly…the answers! So here’s a run down of what the top Rhinoplasty questions are from those considering the procedure, and the answers provide to help reassure you and inform you of what to expect when going ahead with a Rhinoplasty procedure.
What happens during a Rhinoplasty Consultation?
During the consultation with a Rhinoplasty Consultant you should discuss your goals for the surgery so that they can understand what you wish to have achieved after the surgery. A good clinic will have imaging software to help you compare before and after images of the surgery, to help you see what you will look like afterward. A medical examination will take place to see the structure of your nasal area internally and externally, and your medical records will be checking to ensure no complications should be expected from surgery. The procedure, cost including finance plans, recovery time, possible risks and other aspects will be discussed with you.
Does Rhinoplasty result in scarring?
Rhinoplasty is a less invasive surgery than most so any scarring will be minimal. However, Closed Rhinoplasty, a procedure preferred by the best Rhinoplasty surgeons confines incisions to the inside of the nose resulting in no visible scarring, this this is much preferred by most patients. Sometimes due to the nature of the current nose though, Open Rhinoplasty may be necessary, but scarring will be kept to a minimum and confined to the underside of the nose between the nostrils following natural contours so won’t be very visible.
How long does Rhinoplasty surgery last and is it done under Aesthesia?
Depending on the complexity and extensiveness of the surgery planned a Rhinoplasty procedure can take between one hour and four hours. The surgery is carried out under general anaesthesia so the patient should feel no pain during surgery.
What is the recovery time after a Rhinoplasty and how much pain should be expected?
Recovery after Rhinoplasty surgery can take around seven days with bruising and swelling around the eyes and nose taking five to nine days to subside. The nasal splint to secure the new nasal shape, and the stitches are removed after around five days when the skin and cartilage has healed.
During the recovery period there will be some pain and discomfort which can be treated with pain medication.
Are there risks involved with Rhinoplasty?
Like any other surgical procedure, and one carried out under anaesthesia there are risks to having Rhinoplasty surgery, with complications such as infection, scarring, cosmetic asymmetry, septal perforation and epistaxis (nosebleeds) resulting in some cases.
Can Rhinoplasty resolve breathing and snoring problems?
Rhinoplasty isn’t just carried out for aesthetic reasons, it can also be performed to provide relief from nasal congestion, poor breathing and snoring.