Of all of the things that you own during your lifetime, one of the ones that you can be most proud of is your vehicle. Even if you don’t have the best car ever, if you keep it clean and take care of it, then it is a representation of how you approach life. If you see that a person takes care of their car, you know that they are at least that organized when it comes to their general existence. It’s good to think that other people will think highly of you for those same reasons.
So if you want to keep your car in perfect shape, what are some things that you can immediately do? First of all, you have to know your fluids. If you don’t know how to check your fluid levels and keep them to the optimum level, it will eventually trash your engine or your other car parts, and your vehicle will break down sooner than later. Second, do everything in your power to stay away from car accidents. On a fundamental level, that means that you need to drive defensively continually. And lastly, always keep the inside and outside of your car clean. That doesn’t mean go to a car wash every two days. It does mean you should never have any food, dirt, or clutter on the inside, and you should wipe the outside off if it ever gets to muddy looking. Simple!
Know Your Fluids
As soon as you purchase a car, you need to know how to check the fluids. Before you even drive it off of a car lot, you should know how to look at the oil, transmission fluid, the brake fluid, the windshield washer fluid, and so on. Every week or so, take them through a quick check. This way, you’ll know if any level is out of the ordinary. This kind of preventative maintenance means that you won’t be surprised one day when your engine seizes up or your brakes go out. Running low on transmission fluid is a great way to burn out your motor as well, so always have some backup fluid available in your garage.
Stay Away From Accidents
A great way to move your car from perfect shape into a totally broken form is if you get in a car accident. Being on the road is always slightly risky. However, if you learn to drive defensively and stay away from distractions, you significantly improve your chances of being able to avoid all of the worst kinds of crashes. Though you cannot control the actions of the motorists around you, you can control how far you stay away from them as your driving, especially at high speeds or in bad weather. Don’t let anyone pressure you into being a worse driver than you are. Obey speed limits, don’t text and drive, and generally be aware of your surroundings.
Clean the Inside and Outside
Finally, one thing that you can do to your car right now to make it look and feel better is to clean it. Go through and vacuum all the dirt and crumbs out. Make sure you don’t have any pop bottles or garbage in there. Dust off the dashboard. Just make it look like you care. After that, take a wet rag and get rid of anything on the outside that looks awful. Even wiping off your windshield and the glass around your car makes it look a million times better with minimal effort.
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