The very first time you wear a contact lens is life-changing. This is especially the case if you have been wearing eyeglasses for a really long time. However, as time passes, it quickly becomes obvious that you have a lot of work ahead of you. Wearing contact lenses is not as simple as some might think and proper care is simply mandatory.
Here are some things that you should not do if you want to wear contact lenses.
Go To A Location Without A Bathroom
You need to keep your hands perfectly clean or handling contacts becomes an instant problem. When you touch contact lenses without washing your hands, bacteria reach your eye. Unfortunately, this is the first step towards ending up with an infection that is actually sight-threatening. Always wear contact lenses just when you are sure that you can properly take care of them.
Sleeping With Contact Lenses On
Your eyelids naturally wipe the contact lenses as you are awake. When you sleep, this is not possible. Because of this simple fact, bacteria are likely to fester if it reached the contact lens. Basically, your eyes will end up being infected, irritated and at least red. Take out your contact lenses before going to sleep, even if you just want to have a quick, short nap.
Wearing Makeup
Wearing makeup is not a problem when you wear your contact lenses but it is not a great idea. If one small part of your pencil or eyeliner ends up on them and you do not take them out to clean and disinfect, your eyes end up in danger.
Going Swimming
This is something to remember whenever you get into contact with water, including pools, mist, hot tubs, showers and rain. Water is very troublesome, more than hands since it includes amoebae and bacteria. These can create true havoc. Just research Acanthamoeba keratitis and you will figure out what problems water contact can cause.
Rubbing Your Eyes
Those that often rub their eyes as they are tired or even massage them after long exposure to computer screens have to be careful. This is true even if contacts are not worn since keratoconus risk is increased. This would lead to suffering from blurry vision. In some serious cases, a corneal transplant might be necessary. As a lens wearer you have to be extremely careful with this since contacts make you want to rub eyes more often.
Going With The Flow
Once you start wearing contact lenses, it is time to think about many things that you do on a day to day basis. You can easily think that eyes are fine so it is no problem if you wear them for some extra hours. That is definitely not the case. Just because you are not feeling discomfort does not mean that eyes are not being damaged. As an example, the disposable contact lenses are built so that moisture and oxygen do not reach eyes for a long period of time. Not replacing lenses fast automatically means that you are faced with a problem, even if you do not feel anything.