The deployment of an interactive web page is dependent on a variety of interactions between a client and the web browser.
These interactions cut across the different components of computer applications, middleware software, databases, the browser and various servers.
The interaction between all these components is tied up through a framework that is often referred to as the web application architecture.
The web application architecture is the backbone of internet browsing. Usually, and in layman technology terms, we can easily describe the web application architectures as client server applications; that blend both server side and client side scripts.
The client side is the interactive mode that presents data to the user, while the server side remains responsible for storing data. As a matter of fact, we can generally say the web application architecture is a channel for effective data communication and exchange.
The essentials of web application architectures usually take into account three perspectives. These perspectives allow for the coverage of high performance cloud based solutions. Notably, the considerations include factoring in user requirements, the developer and the software product owner.
User Requirements
Usually, the user requirements are focused on usability. The ease of usability will factor in features such as interactivity and user experience. Additionally, duration of updating data on pages, ability to bookmark links, work offline and the ability to switch between pages.
Developer Requirements
Developer requirements are inclusive of factors such as performance, development speed and scalability. Developers are tasked with creating new features for software applications, code restructuring and parallelizing the software life cycle. The developer will also minimize server response time, provide consistent and available data as well as increase computation power.
Software Product Owner
Most probably the easiest part about web application architectures, software product owners usually entails normal hardware and software functioning, network infrastructure and user privacy.
Essential Components of Web Application Architectures
There are two basic components of web application architectures. These include; the user interface and the structure.
The user interface entails the page that displays information, logs, notifications and configuration settings. All of these parts form the basis of the web’s user experience.
Structure is the part of the web architecture that often links a client browser with application performance. Structure is an interconnection of the client browser, database server and application server.
Functioning of structure in web application architectures is made possible by HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is worth noting that structure doesn’t require any porting adaptabilities of the operating system.
A client browser is more similarly viewed as a channel of interaction between server and clients. The user is usually a control center for managing the web’s layered applications.
In the server side layer, various languages may come into play that intensifies the working business logic, backend functionality and data persistence. These languages include; Node.JS, Python, .NET, Rubies and PHP.
Another important component of the structure is the database. The database offers sorting functionality and consistent storage of information.
The learning opportunities presented by web application architectures are countless. Each Software as a Service Company and web application firm has a different take on the best web application framework to use. It is good practice to take into account the different dimensions presented by any web application architecture.
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