Brain is the most vital organ in the human body. It is the center of control which runs the way the entire body works. Every single body part, every tissue, gland, organ, muscle is controlled by the brain and the central nervous system. Any damage to the brain can be critical as it may limit or even stall the functioning of one or several crucial organs of the body.
Brain damage can be caused by a physical injury to the brain caused due to some accident, sporting trauma etc. Several infections of the brain and the central nervous system, such as meningitis, encephalitis, abscess etc. can lead to a damage of the brain tissues. Although some severe cases of brain damage are irreversible, but in certain cases with the right kind of measures, brain damage can have reversed.
Antioxidants can reverse oxidation damage caused to the brain tissues by the free radicals which results in rapid aging and degeneration of the brain. Consuming antioxidants can have a great deal of positive impact on brain damage as it offers excellent restorative action. Increase the consumption of antioxidant rich food such as berries, nuts, avocado, whole grains etc. In case of more severe damage simply natural sources of antioxidants might not cut it. There are several concentrated antioxidants available in the form of supplements, shakes and medication can also be consumed to help hasten the process.
Oxygen therapy
This is a revolutionary treatment which was employed by US researchers and scientists of LSU Health New Orleans and the University of North Dakota. Using this treatment course they have managed to resuscitate and cure a girl who had suffered from brain damage due to drowning. Her heart had stopped beating and her brain showed signs of atrophy. Using a combination of oxygen treatments including hyperbaric oxygen therapy or HBOT, they managed to revive the child and initiate the growth of tissues which helped reverse the effects of brain damage.
Omega 3 Fatty acids
Known as the brain booster Omega 3 Fatty acids are the life of brain tissues. They are excellent for causing better growth of the brain cells and are extremely useful in the treatment of individuals suffering from several degrees of brain damage. Since it helps in the development of new brain tissues, patients who are suffering from brain damage can consume these fatty acids to help reverse the effects of damage. Include cold water fish, fish oil in the diet for Omega 3.
There are several dietary supplements which are aimed for the brain tissues and can-do wonders for the brain health of a person who is undergoing a brain trauma. Supplements such as Cerebrolysin can be of great help as they not only protect the brain from further damage but also can reverse some of the damage to the brain tissues. Although it might not be able to completely reverse the entire damage and restore all the tissues, it can at least help in reversing quite a bit of damage and making it a bit better.
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Brain damage can be a serious condition with highly restrictive and debilitating effects. But with the help of right care and aids, it is possible to reverse quite a bit of damage and prevent any further damage.