NFTs have been causing an uproar in the crypto and investment scene for the last couple of years. They’re a brand-new technology and extremely exciting from a digital point of view.
We’ve already seen brands and companies incorporating NFTs into their marketing strategies and have seen private collectors purchasing NFTs for millions of dollars. For bystanders, NFTs may seem exciting, but also mysterious. This mystery is why it’s important to consult professionals, like Ryan Hoggan.
Ryan Hoggan has been in the NFT game since the beginning, and before that, he was a very successful entrepreneur in traditional fields. So, he has experience making good predictions and wise investments.
That experience is why we decided to interview Ryan Hoggan and get his thoughts on how NFTs will progress through 2022. Let’s see what he had to say.
Let’s start with the first question on everyone’s mind, do you think NFTs will remain popular in 2022 or will they die out in popularity?
They’ll remain popular. I don’t see NFTs losing popularity for a very long time, if ever.
I believe the NFT lifecycle will go from a commodity and novelty to a necessity and commonplace. So no, they won’t die out in 2022, if anything I think they’ll get more popular.
I think we’ll use them in more interesting ways that will speak to more people in 2022.
Do you think NFTs will become more mainstream? Will your average person start using NFTs in real life?
Yeah, like I said I think NFTs are going to become commonplace. This might not happen in 2022, but I think every year they will become more and more common.
I think we’re going to start seeing important documents being minted on a blockchain and stored as an NFT. In 2022, I expect to see events with NFT tickets, as well as NFT giveaways.
In the future, I expect to see everything from degrees to proofs of ownership being tokenized into NFTs.
What about businesses? Are more companies going to start using NFTs?
They already are. A lot of big brands have already launched NFT projects, and they have been very successful.
I think success speaks for itself, and when one company has success with a strategy, more are sure to follow. I expect a lot more companies to start using NFTs, which I think will only increase the technology’s legitimacy in the eyes of the general public.
Is there any specific use-case of NFTs that you are excited about and think will become more prominent in 2022?
One of the most popular uses of NFT tech, besides digital arts, is in video games believe it or not. There is a lot of money to be made with video games in general, it is a huge industry and it isn’t going anywhere.
Now, developers are starting to use NFTs in their games in order to make their in-game items more valuable and unique. I expect this trend to continue into 2022, and I am extremely excited to see how that plays out.
Just like the brands, NFTs in gaming will help people become more comfortable and familiar with the technology.
Do you think NFTs are being used to their full potential? Do you think 2022 will see them reach that potential?
No way. They’re not currently being used to their full potential because their potential is almost limitless.
I think we’re just now seeing the surface scratched. I don’t think 2022 will see that potential reached, I think we have quite a while before it is.
Also Read: Investor Ryan Dean Hoggan Shares How He Handles Unpredictable Cryptocurrency Markets