Do you feel guilty each time you spend more money than you should? It might even be worse when you already have a family. You think that the money you spend on the things you want could go to your kids. Although it is understandable for you always to be mindful of your expenses, it does not mean that you need to feel guilty each time you spend a considerable amount. When you worked hard for it, you deserve to spend it. Besides, it is not something you do all the time. But you need to be cautious about how much you spend and how often you splurge.
Reward yourself
When you have accomplished something big or reached an essential milestone, you deserve to celebrate by splurging. For most people, they spend their money on shopping. It is fulfilling to shop without limiting yourself.
Another option is to find big houses to rent nearby. It is expensive renting such a place, but you deserve it. Besides, you are also going to relax on your stay there. It might not make sense to rent a large home, but if it makes you satisfied, you should pursue it.
You need to recharge
Balancing work and family could be stressful. You want to take some time off to recharge and forget everything else. Eventually, you will go back to work and do the other things you usually do. For one weekend, you can spend your time relaxing and forgetting all other things that bother you. If you need to keep earning to provide for your needs and your entire family, you need this short time to relax and do whatever makes you happy; otherwise, you will not be productive at work since you are not happy with your life.
You already set aside money
Do not allow your monthly pay to go to recurring bills alone. You do not work to keep paying these bills but to live a life. Therefore, when budgeting your money, you need to include an amount for a staycation or shopping. When you do, you will not feel guilty anymore because you already set aside enough money to do the things you love.
It could be addictive though
When you start splurging, you will feel satisfied to the point that you might want to do it again. Therefore, you need to stay disciplined. There is nothing wrong with splurging on some things when you have the chance, but do not let it overpower you. When you do not have enough money, or it is not yet time to splurge, you need to stop yourself; otherwise, you will mess up your finances.
Take your time to determine what you want to do with your money when you have enough to spare. You can look at your bucket list and do the things that you can only do with enough money. Now is the chance to cross them off and enjoy life.