Oh, the digital world is a beautiful place for business to promote themselves. However, this ever-evolving space is quickly becoming flooded for the consumer. It’s proving to be harder and harder for companies to communicate with their community, so maybe it’s time to take a 180 degree turn back to the good old days and engage with your existing and potential new customers in a more authentic and original way.
Now, we are not talking about smoke signals and carrier pigeons. Having said that, let’s remove Social Media and streamline Digital Marketing from the equation for just one moment and look at some traditional marketing techniques in a new, refreshing way. You may think this is crazy, but there are proven marketing tactics that do not require the likes of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
It’s All About the Swag
Everybody loves a freebie, and your clients, business partners or other stakeholders are no exception. Branded promotional products will not only be a sure-fire hit, but they will also put your brand front and center of a vast variety of tasteful and practical items such as apparel, reusable coffee cups, pens, bags and office items. Your clients will get a powerful reminder of your brand every time they use the article.
Work the Network
The most powerful way for you to communicate your organization’s core message is face-to-face, so it pays to leverage networking opportunities wherever you find them. Networking is something that is personal; you engage with other like-minded individuals, and they hear your story. There are so many great opportunities for you to get your business out there and market it in a natural organic environment. Even if the people you meet aren’t going to help you grow your business today, you never know when a new connection may come in handy down the track so bring along a stack of business cards and get busy!
Everything Fit to Print
No matter how many pundits say it, print is not dead! The look and feel of a beautiful brochure, flyer or catalog is a timeless, tactile experience that still delivers results. While the digital advocates may claim that consumers are only interested in accessing content via their mobile devices these days, there is no shortage of research that clearly shows that printed materials remain a highly effective way to market.
Outdoor Advertising
While telecommuting is on the rise, the majority of us are still stuck in our metal boxes, trudging our way through the daily commute. It could be by car, train, bus, plane; you name it transport is our thing, and billboard advertising is one of the highest reaching advertising methods available. Not only are you maximizing your reach and exposure, but you can get creative and ordinate your outdoor advertising with online promotions to generate more traffic to your website and sales for your business.
Nobody Killed the Radio Star
While he may have wounded him slightly, video did NOT kill the radio star! Radio advertising is alive and well and can be an extraordinarily effective strategy. The secret to ROI on radio is to target your audience as carefully as possible. Selecting the right station/s on which to advertise so that you’re reaching precisely the right consumers. Do your market research, and you will find radio remains one of the most cost-effective ways to promote your brand.
With so many different marking techniques available to help you engage with your community and generate traffic and conversions for your business, sometimes going old-school can be the most powerful way to grow your business