Did you know that people have been using business cards since the 1600s?
While business cards have changed a lot over the centuries, no one can deny how handy they are. From networking to gaining more customers, it’s always wise to keep some with you at all times in case you strike up any meaningful conversations with strangers.
To get the most out of your efforts, you need to make sure that your business card is beautiful and helpful. Keep reading to learn about six typical business card design errors you should avoid so you can make a good impression.
1. Not Including All Relevant Business Card Information
We live in a digital world now, which means that your business card should include a few different ways to get in touch. Your name, phone number, business address, email, and even social media account can all help people get in touch with you through their preferred method of contact.
2. Missing Typos
Since business cards are essential, it’s not enough to double-check your spelling. You should check your card several times before hitting the print button. Ask a couple of friends to look everything over because their eyes will be fresh.
3. Having Too Much Text on Cards
Understandably, you’d want new people to learn as much as they can about your business, but your business card is not the place to explain this. Too much information can overwhelm people, so it’s best to direct people to your business website where they can do more research.
4. Low-Quality Business Card Finishing and Material
Your business card will have to compete with any other cards that someone has in their wallet or purse. This means that you need to invest in high-quality cardstock and an eye-catching finish.
5. Designing Business Cards Without Help
Instead of coming up with your own card design ideas, you should use tools like this business card app to make the process simple and rewarding. These design tools have functions that make creating an unappealing business card nearly impossible.
6. Not Having a Buffer Zone Around the Border
When designing your business card, the final thing you need to remember is to leave some room around the border. This will help prevent any text from getting cut off when it’s time to print and shape your cards.
Don’t Make These Business Card Design Errors
Making a great business card is crucial for building a solid reputation in your industry. Now that you know the most common business card design errors, you can be cautious about avoiding these errors. Handing out beautiful business cards is only one of the many ways you can boost your company.
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