If you have decided to work with an agency to handle your marketing and communication needs, you need to make sure their approach is in line with your needs as a business. Here are 5 questions to ask your agency before signing a contract with them.
Who will be working on and managing your account?
Sometimes, if an agency is larger they will delegate a lot of the work to junior consultants or interns, allowing them larger profit margins. Don’t be afraid to confirm who will be working on your account and managing the day to day execution.
Do they practice what they preach?
If an agency is trying to sell you on a strategy that you “absolutely must be doing” then check up on them to make sure they are also doing it well for their own business. If they make lofty promises about your social media accounts but they haven’t posted in the last 6 months, then perhaps they aren’t for you.
What is the communication/connection process? How often will you talk?
You need to be comfortable with this process, whether it’s a regular meeting or scheduled phone call. Don’t be tempted to hold meetings for the sake of it, as most meetings have been shown to be unproductive. Instead, agree on the agenda beforehand, and make sure you use the time to get the information you need to measure their progress.
How long will it take to see results?
Be wary of agencies that overpromise results – they normally under deliver. It takes time to see successful results where you marketing strategy is concerned – it could be 3 – 6 months, but some projects can take up to a year before you see significant results. Clarify this before you get started so you can adjust your expectations accordingly.
How do they measure success?
Certain tactics are harder to measure (in terms of data) than others, but if you talk to your agency you should be able to come up with a way to determine whether the strategy is successful. Ensure you both agree on the KPIs, and that they’re used to judge progress, ROI and overall success.