With every passing day, the people are tilting a little more towards technology. They want everything on the go and quality written content is no exception. This is why there is a visible rise in the popularity of eBooks.
Plenty of eBooks are published day in and day out on the subject of marketing alone. But most of them fail to make any significant impact. Every writer wants to write a good book as much as every reader wants to read a good one. However, “good” is a broad term. It covers plenty of aspects.
So if you are writing an eBook on marketing and want it to do well among the masses, subscribe to the following 10 features:
- Attractive Cover
“Don’t judge a book by its cover” – this maxim may be of great utility in so many situations of our life. But, as a writer, you can’t afford to be a fan of this line. Quality content is by far the most desirable aspect of a book but readers simply can’t overlook a cover.
Human beings are judgemental by nature. If your cover is poorly crafted, the majority of the readers can’t help building a negative image about the rest of the book. Since the first impression lasts longer, your cover page can certainly help you to attain this goal.
- Social Sharing Buttons
The more publicity your eBook gathers, the more it will end up increasing the sales ultimately. What could be a batter place for publicity than social media? Social media sites are packed with all kinds of audiences. So regardless of the niche, your eBook will receive shares if it is worthy of it.
Make sure to add social sharing buttons on literally every page of your eBook. Depending on the design of your eBook, you can consider incorporating social sharing buttons on the header or footer of the pages. An eBook creator free trial will give you a better idea about how and where to place social sharing buttons.
Also, don’t just stick to Facebook or Twitter. Expose your content to as many social media channels as possible.
- Catchy Title
Titles can make or break it for you. So many eBooks owe it to their titles for becoming the bestseller. Similarly, a variety of books didn’t perform well because their titles failed to grab any attention whatsoever. Make sure your title is unique but at the same time it must be revealing of what the book is all about.
By and large, the success of your topic depends upon how well you know your audience. If you have a clear picture of who you are targeting, you are more likely to come up with a suitable title.
- Tidy Table of Contents
The online flux of information has made people more specific. Readers go through the headings first to know whether or not they will get what they are looking for. That’s why you simply can’t forget adding a table of contents into your eBook.
Sometimes readers can’t evaluate from the topic what a certain chapter is about. So, in order to make your eBook more user-friendly, you should consider hyperlinking the topics so that buyers can scan through the chapter real quick and assist is value.
- An Author Page
There are so many eBooks out there on marketing which don’t include any information about the author. They look robotic, to say the least. Knowing the background of the author gives the eBook a personal touch. Moreover, if people know that the author has an academic background and experience in the field of marketing, it will add more credibility to his work.
Usually, popular writers have the tendency not to introduce themselves to the readers. Well, you can’t enhance your reader-base that way. Apart from stating a brief bio, adding the author’s Twitter account or other social media profile will immensely increase the number of his followers.
- Relevant Tone
There are books written in every tone. Serious, funny, romantic and so on. But, going by our subject of marketing, you need to find a way to convey complex concepts in laymen’s terms. Again, knowing your audience holds the key.
If you have a website, you can use tools like Google Analytics to find out where people are being more responsive to your write-ups. Once you have a hand on the pulse of your target audience, the right tone will automatically come to you.
- Add Data
People may or may not agree with your opinions. So every now and then, keep adding numbers to prove your claims. We are living in a highly-educated generation. It is no more an era where you can say something randomly and expect readers to accept it as truth.
- Include Charts, Tables, and Graphs
At times, marketing concepts could be very tricky to convey, especially when your readers don’t come from a technical background. You can use charts to make it easier for readers to transfer complex topics.
Moreover, graphs, tables, and charts are quite easy to remember. Compared to the text, readers don’t have to infuse much effort to memorize them. To top it off, visualization attracts a particular kind of audience which does have a hard time to focus on the written text.
- Provide References
There is no substitute for proper research. Don’t assume that people will readily trust facts and figures provided by you, irrespective of how popular author you maybe.
No sane mind will pay attention to the provided figures if you have failed to mention their reliable sources. While writing an eBook, you must give backlinks a top priority.
- Mention Takeaways
Apart from staunch bookworms, readers don’t usually read the whole book in one sitting. Sometimes, it will take days before a reader will come back and resume reading. This distraction could lead to forgetting the previous content.
You should mention key takeaways at the end of every chapter so that people can recall everything ultimately.
The Final Thoughts
Now you know why marketing eBooks hit the scene and then vanish without causing any tremor? Exactly, because their authors somehow don’t walk the tight line to follow the above 10 steps. All said and done, the roadmap lays right in front of you. Follow it and achieve glory.