Ask anybody who knows anything about fire pits and they’ll probably tell you that kiln-dried logs are the best way to keep your fire strong, powerful and long-lasting. Along with being sustainable, they are also brilliant for storing and are easily lit when you need them most. But the real question is what are the differences between kiln-dried hardwood and regular wood logs? To help you understand why kiln dried logs can make such a huge impact on the quality of your fire pit, we’ve brought together some of our best reasons why kiln-dried hardwood should be the mainstay in your log storage cabin.
Zero smoke
Nobody’s a stranger to the smoke that can come out of an outdoor fire. Whether it’s the wind or the position of your chair, it can be quite uncomfortable when a big cloud of smoke hits you (not to mention quite unhealthy). If you’re using greenwood logs or seasoned logs, you’ve probably seen or experienced this plenty of times before. Fortunately, the solution isn’t a difficult one! Kiln-dried hardwood offers you the chance to totally transform your fire pit and how you use it. In contrast to regular wood logs, kiln-dried logs are a very clean source of energy and are unable to create that billowing smoke that can ruin those important social occasions. On top of that, these logs are also super sustainable and help to lower your impact on the environment.
Simple to light
If it’s the middle of winter, you’re probably not going to want to be on your hands and knees desperate to get the fire going. One of the huge benefits of keeping a stack of kiln-dried hardwood logs is their ability to light much quicker than the majority of regular logs. With a simple spark, these kiln-dried logs are able to develop a powerful heat, which stops you from using up valuable time and resources. Are you a bit of a camper? Then this benefit is especially valuable, as you’ll be able to spend more time setting up and organising your pitch and less time desperately trying to light a fire. At the end of the day, there are not many people who like spending an age lighting a fire, so kiln-dried hardwood logs just make sense.
The long burn
While fire fuel may save you a lot of money in the long run from energy bills, you still have to invest in the right logs to get your fire going. After all, every little helps. If you’re keen to get the most out of your fire, then kiln-dried hardwood is an absolute no-brainer. As opposed to regular wood logs, kiln-dried hardwood last a lot longer and can give you a strong, powerful heat in the meantime. The result is a lot less money spent and less time igniting your fire. On top of that, you’re also significantly lowering your carbon footprint when you use kiln-dried hardwood.
Is your fire missing that vital spark? Kiln-dried hardwood could be the last piece of the puzzle for developing a glowing, comfortable and sustainable fire. Whether you want to buy in bulk or you’re keen on experimenting for yourself first, take a look at some of the unique bundles at Homefire.