Tree-free sustainable products such as toilet paper and kitchen towel can help meet the demand for raw materials which helping to promote sustainability. Trees are vital to the planet and human life on it. Tree free paper products are an environmentally sustainable and responsible alternative for the paper manufacturing industry.
The global demand for paper remains high, despite the availability to store information online. Moreover, paper products such as paper towels and tissue paper are used in almost every household every day. This demand for paper products is not going to decrease anytime in the near future.
Thus, it is important to look for more sustainable options to meet the world’s demand for paper products. The cycle of every person’s normal life has a huge impact on forests and trees. Trees convert carbon dioxide into oxygen so that we can breathe. Vehicles and fires also emit large amounts of carbon dioxide that trees then convert into more oxygen. Without trees, human life cannot be sustained.
Wood pulp
It can take decades for forests to clean the air around them from pollution. Thus, producing paper out of these forests is not sustainable. In the United States, almost ninety percent of paper is made out of wood pulp, compared to one per cent that is made from non-wood sources.
Prior to the 1850s, paper was not made from wood but linen, hemp or straw. Thus, it is proven that tree-free paper is possible. Each year, more than nine-hundred million trees are cut down for the production of paper. Almost twenty-seven thousand trees are cut down every day for the production of toilet paper. These trees can take more than thirty years to grow back.
We should look toward renewable and sustainable sources to create paper products. The production of paper from tree-free products can help to reduce our global carbon footprint and is a good step towards helping to preserve the planet for future generations.
Tree free paper products are made from bamboo grass which is an environmentally sustainable resource. Bamboo grows up to three inches in just one day, and is the quickest growing plant in the world, making it the perfect choice to meet the global demand for paper. Some trees can take up to thirty years to regrow, whereas bamboo is fully mature after only three to four months. Bamboo is ready to harvest once every year and does not have to be re-planted after it is cut.
Moreover, bamboo uses thirty percent less water compared to hard-wood trees do to grow and it emits thirty-five percent more oxygen than those trees do. Thus, an acre of bamboo can filter up to twenty-five metric tonnes of C02 in the atmosphere every year.
Tree free paper products such as kitchen roll and toilet paper are priced competitively and do not mean a sacrifice in quality. And, they can help you to begin to lead a more responsible and sustainable way of life. Bamboo fibres make softer tissue paper than most others that are made from wood pulp or recycled paper. Also, its unique composition makes it extremely strong.
Commit to sustainability and protecting our planet by switching to tree-free paper products. Choosing to use tree-free paper helps to reduce your carbon footprint. It is an easy change that can help to reduce the number of trees that are cut down every year for the production of paper. Without trees, human life cannot be sustained, so it is vital that they are preserved and protected.