The plumbing is the primary system within a Greenville household. When there’s a defect or a malfunction, residents are rendered unable to move forward with their day’s activities until the problem is corrected. This is why it’s critical to establish a relationship with a local repair contractor.
Once you find a trusted, reputed, and licensed plumber, for instance, One Call Plumbing in Greenville, the professional can develop a preventive maintenance plan to service the system roughly once each year. This step will keep minor defects from turning into major issues and costly repairs.
That doesn’t mean there won’t still be the occasional problem. Perhaps, a child wants to see if their toy will flush or if the pipes freeze in the blustery winter weather. The best plumbing contractor has a secret or two that might save an unwanted frustration.
Check the following suggestions from some of the best in the plumbing business to perhaps stave off a potential disaster.
What Are Secret Plumbing Tips From Experts In The Business
Plumbers in Greenville want to share their secrets to stave off the possibility of emergency services that can be avoided. A primary tip is to enlist a licensed plumbing contractor for preventive maintenance services on at least an annual basis.
The professional can check the system for potential defects or damages, making immediate corrections before these turn into major, costly repairs. When you establish this relationship, it gives you an expert to call when problems arise in between service calls that will be inevitable.
Find tips everyone should know about their plumbing at and then look at a few plumbing secrets the consumer is usually unaware of.
“Flushable” should only be applied to toilet paper
The only thing that should be tossed into the toilet and flushed is toilet paper. Anything with a label that implies it’s “flushable” should be avoided, including wipes. These can’t break down in the same way as toilet paper, with the potential to clog a system.
Nowadays, the focus is on water efficiency with the manufacture of toilets compared to a couple of decades ago, meaning the debris doesn’t have a strong enough force with the flush to prevent clogging.
People have a tendency to toss anything into the drain, like “tampons, floss, hair, cotton swabs, and kids with their toys.” These things can eventually lead to a substantial buildup that only a plumbing professional can break free of. See here common plumbing mistakes homeowners make.
The plastic washing machine hose
The plastic material for the washing machine hose is thin and less than durable. Over time this can develop a leak and burst. Plumbing experts indicate that this is a “number one cause for homeowners turning in claims to insurance carriers.”
Professional repair contractors suggest changing these out for stainless steel options once a washing machine is purchased.
The drain is not a garbage disposal
Most people at this point are aware of this tidbit, but many inadvertently pour grease and other materials down the drain without thought while hurrying through the evening chores.
This grease will harden as it sits in the drain, potentially needing a plumber to take it out.
Instead of emptying these contents into the drain like grease and coffee grounds, wipe out the containers holding these with towels and dispose of them properly. A suggestion is to save old product containers when they’re empty to pour grease in, pop the lid back on and toss them out.
Considering a new home purchase
When you’re considering moving to a new house, a wise decision would be to have a plumber you trust inspect the plumbing system to allow for a more informed decision. The expert should be able to use a “camera to examine the underground drainage system.”
This will let them know if there are any major issues like “collapses, roots, or other problems that a home inspector wouldn’t usually find on a visual inspection.” When considering putting a contract on the house, the small investment could ultimately save a considerable amount of money and a lot of plumbing work.
The wise move would be to pass on this contract and move on to a less burdensome option
The main shutoff should be identified
When purchasing your home, you should identify how to turn off the water for the various systems but primarily, you want to know the primary shutoff resource. Knowing the location is invaluable if there’s a leak that you can’t find the source of and the house is flooding with water.
Water damage in the home is exceptionally detrimental and challenging to clean up. And the potential for developing mold is high if the clean-up is not swift, creating an even bigger problem.
When you know where the valve is, shut the water off and contact the plumber immediately to resolve the issue quickly and with as minimal damage as possible.
A drain strainer can be a simple fix
People and animals shed. When you have an individual at home with exceptionally long hair or perhaps someone is losing a considerable amount, maybe you tend to bathe pets; this hair is building up in the drain, slowly creating a massive clog that will eventually need to be fished out.
A genuinely simple and affordable solution is a drain strainer that fits into the drain. These capture not only hair but other particles preventing them from getting into the drain. That includes soap grime from clumping up inside the pipes. A little dollop will go a long way.
Final Thought
Licensed professional plumbers in Greenville hope to instruct residents on methods for avoiding emergencies plus provide preventive maintenance on at least an annual basis. That will ensure that the primary system in your household stays optimally functional.
That doesn’t mean you won’t have the occasional problem. Still, when these arise, you’ll have a relationship with an expert repair contractor who will know the system well and be prepared to make the necessary corrections.