The second wave of the pandemic was never expected. The fact that the second wave is more severe than the first wave and brought about the idea of online learning that was formerly exclusive of working-class students. The tips you are about to read will help bridge the gap between students and the school environment that has been affected by the outbreak of COVID-19.
Avoid multitasking
It is not possible to listen to Instagram while online lectures are going on. This will lead to divided interests and your passion will sure have the better of you. Try as much as possible to avoid multitasking.
Stay organized
It is important to stay organized if you wanted to relieve yourself of the unnecessary tension of meeting up with the online classes. Never bite more than you can chew during this tempting period in education.
Schedule yourself
The outbreak of COVID 19 no doubt has affected social life adversely with the stay-at-home order imposed by the government. Get a weekly or daily calendar that will keep you organized. If you’re running out of time, google “help with my coursework” or something similar depending on your needs.
Video lectures
In terms like this, you can make things work in your favor by sticking to video lectures. The following tips will be of valuable help:
- When you stick to the schedule of your instructor, you are good to go!
- Stay on a schedule to avoid the disappointment of falling behind.
- You are going to do yourself a big favor if you participate in the discussion forum and chat feature
- While watching video lectures, close all distracting tabs or apps.
- Close your eyes to Tik Tok until after the lecture hours
- Takedown notes normally as you would if you are in a normal class.
- If you want more tips on how to stay relevant in online learning during lockdown.
Trade your habit
- Online learning will require some adjustments from you if you want to get the very best from it. There are some habits that you do at home which you cannot take to the classroom environment. Now that the classroom has been brought virtually to your home; you have to draw the lines by making necessary adjustments.
- Get an environment in your home that will give you the best concentration during online classes.
- Since your study group can no longer hold physically, it is a better idea to try online group virtual meetings.
Avoid procrastination
This will rear its head now that you have all the time to yourself. If you want to achieve higher grades; then this pitfall must be avoided.
Meet through regular chats
Use the power of digital technology to ensure that you meet regularly with your peers. You can do this through quick texts to your group members.
Make use of videos
When you keep videos open, it will create a lively environment during the virtual meetings. When you see each other on video, you are going to re-enact the situation that existed while you are in school.
Check and ask for backup
If someone is absent in your group meetings, ask about his or her welfare. If you cannot handle the situation, then you can let your instructor know about the situation.
Exploit all possible outlets
When you are faced with a tough problem that you cannot solve single-handedly; you can exploit Skype; Goggle hangouts, Facetime and Zoom.
Take care of yourself
You must stay healthy during these trying times. Eat healthily. Have enough rest. Every other thing will fall in line.
If every student takes to the tips that we have above; they will be a winner on all fronts.