With the holiday season fast approaching, it’s important to set some time aside to make sure that you’re as healthy as you can be. Even with all the good food and family gatherings, there are still plenty of steps you can take to stay healthy at this time of year. This guide will help give you a solid plan for staying healthy this holiday season.
Make Healthy Food Choices
With the holidays right around the corner, it can be tempting to let yourself go and eat more than you should. While some foods are good for your health, other holiday mainstays are high in sugars, sodium, calories and fat. The key is making smart choices about what you eat. Of course, it’s okay to indulge every once in a while, but by making healthy food choices on a day-to-day basis and especially in your holiday festivities, you can reduce your chances of chronic disease and weight gain.
Engage in Exercises
Holiday planning is all about spending time with loved ones and cooking. Many of us will indulge in the customary drinks and meals; however, exercise should not be overlooked this season. Even though you may spend the majority of your day sitting behind a computer or travelling from place to place or hanging out with family and friends, there are still activities you can take part in to keep you active and healthy. There are exercises that are great for office workers and travellers alike and can easily be accomplished at home or on-the-go. Look for a routine that fits your style and get started with it.
Reduce Alcohol Intake
The holidays are always a time of partying, merriment, and reflection for a lot of people. The whole drinking in the cold air thing is just a bonus. But even with all that partying, people are often looking for that next buzz, and sometimes they forget that the next day’s hangover is much more likely to be pronounced for a person whose body isn’t used to all that booze. If you don’t want to suffer through the next day, you might want to try reducing your alcohol intake this holiday season. Also, remember, don’t drink and drive. Before you head out to the party, make sure there’s someone on your list that you can contact and get a ride home with, if needed.
Prepare for The Cold Season
The holidays are supposed to be a time of warmth and comfort. But if you live in a cold climate, or if the temperature dips below freezing while you’re travelling, then it can be miserable to go outside. It can even be dangerous, as exposure to too much cold without adequate clothing, shelter or insulation can lead to hypothermia – and possibly death. Therefore, pay attention to your environment and make sure you have the proper tools and clothing for the coming winter.
Consult your doctor
Whether or not you have what it takes to brace the winter, health insurance will go a long way in aiding your preparations. Should anything go wrong during the holiday season, you will have the proper healthcare you deserve. It can be difficult to get a doctor’s appointment during the holiday season; however, this is where health insurance can come in very helpful.
Rest Well
Let’s face it, Christmas is stressful. Whether you are hitting the sales or getting together with family and friends, there is a lot of pressure on people over Christmas. We are expected to look our best, be on our best behaviour and to turn up at every family event and gathering over the holiday season. This means we often overindulge in food and drink and spend every second we have busy and switched on – which can have a big (and often negative) impact on our health. This year why not try something different and make sure that you get enough sleep. Getting enough rest not only feels good but will help keep you in good spirits for the holidays.
Travel this holiday season can be fun and adventurous, but also a bit stressful. In fact, the holiday season is probably the most tiring time of the year what with long drives, last-minute flights and long festivities. It also presents numerous risks to your health. Hopefully, the ideas covered in this article will help you have a fun and healthy holiday season this year.