Peter Zieve is a well known, well-established business owner who is best known for founding and owning Electroimpact INC. An incredibly successful business which specializes in assembling automotive parts and which also operates a large robotic plant.
After Zieve achieved phenomenal success as a businessman, he became passionate about giving back to the community which supported his fledgling business. In order to discuss how Peter Zieve found a way to give back to society, simply continue to discover how Zieve chooses to make a lasting impact in the world as a successful businessman.
How Peter Zieve chooses to give back to society:
1. Zieve donates some of his business’ profits to worthwhile organizations
Like many successful business people, Zieve chooses to support worthy organizations by making sizeable donations to charitable organizations whose goals align with his interests. If you’re interested in following Zieve’s example and giving back to society by supporting worthy charitable organizations, it’s well worth researching charities which suit your own interests.
As an example, if you’re excited about the idea of being able to help animals in need, you may want to raise money for the World Wildlife Fund, while if you’re interested in helping families build comfortable, affordable homes, you may want to donate some of your business’ profits to Habitat For Humanity.
2. Zieve has become an active politician
Instead of merely using his personal finances in order to give back to society, Zieve has also dedicated his valuable time to help make sure that the world is a better place to live in by becoming a politician. Zieve has decided to campaign to serve on a local Seattle council. As he is confident that he can utilize all the skills which he has developed as a businessman in order to help run Seattle’s council. As a politician, Zieve hopes that he can push forward innovative new ideas and strategies.
Zieve is such a popular politician in Seattle, that a story about Zieve’s newfound political ambitions has run in the Times. Which is one of the nation’s most read newspapers.
As a new politician, Zieve is also excited about being able to best represent the needs and wants of his local community. As Zieve is often disappointed at how a large percentage of politicians fail to represent the interests of the individuals who helped elect them to their positions.
3. Zieve also chooses to give back to his hometown
As well as serving as a popular politician and donating large sums of money to worthy charitable organizations, Peter Zieve also donates funds to organizations in his hometown of Mukilteo. As he is passionate about ensuring that kids in Mukilteo grow up with opportunities to achieve all of their dreams.
In conclusion, hopefully after reading just a few of the ways which Zieve has chosen to give back to the communities which have shaped him and supported him as a businessman, you’ll be inspired to find unique ways in which you can help make the world a better place too.