Oh no! A stain again? Don’t panic. We’ve got you covered. Here are some of the most effective ways to get even the most stubborn stains out of your carpet.
Take it to a Pro
If your carpet is worth a considerable amount of money or has been passed down the family for generations, we’re going to stop you right there. It’s always best to get your carpet cleaned professionally if it’s of extreme sentimental value. A professional will provide a deep clean without risking damage, or affecting the fibers.
Act Fast!
When it comes to stains, it’s important to remember you’re racing the clock. The faster you act, the greater your chances are of removing the stain before it sets in. Blot the stain immediately to remove whatever substance fell onto your carpet. Avoid rubbing because this can push the stain even further into the carpet fibers. Blot and remove as much as you can before you move on to the next step.
Know Thy Enemy
There are some products that are more effective than others when it comes to getting particular stains out. For example, ink will not react to some products the same way as wine will. It helps to do a Google search to know what kind of product you should place on your particular type of stain.
From a DIY solution like vinegar and baking soda, to a commercial carpet stain remover, there are many different options to choose from. Just make sure that you choose the right one for your particular situation.
Always Test First
Before putting any sort of product on your carpet, it’s important that you do test spot first. You never know when a certain product or cleaning solution could mix poorly with the particular fabric of your carpet, so always do a test spot before anything! Once you’ve confirmed that the test spot is safe, you can move on to directly putting this stain removal solution on the stained area.
Rinse and Repeat
As they say, “if at first you don’t succeed, try again.” If the stain is not budging after the first application, then rinse and try the same steps again. Repeat over and over until you start to see a difference. Remember, if a stain is not reacting to the solution you’re applying, then it’s probably not an effective method. Don’t insist, and consider changing your strategy.
Remember, not all carpets are the same. The same tricks for one carpet might not work for another, so it’s important that you adopt. The most important thing is that you act swiftly, and use the right techniques. Above all, remember the importance of consulting with a professional if the stain is too stubborn to go away!