There are so many things that we do daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly. Eating, sleeping, driving— these things all become second nature to us after a while, and aren’t a big deal when we have to do them.
However there are other things that most of us don’t do often or even at all, and perhaps may only do one time in our lives— like get married, for example.
Here are five things you don’t do on a regular basis but will probably do at least once in your life.
Get Sick
Everyone gets sick sometimes. Even if you have an immune system of steel and can’t remember the last time you had a physical ailment, you will get sick eventually. Never take your good health for granted while you have it!
Yes, moving out of your parents basement and into your own apartment, even if it’s just up the street, still counts as moving. You don’t have to move far away to a different city, but almost everyone will end up moving at least once in their lives. Just don’t forget to file for a change of address so that you can get your mail forwarded.
Fall In Love
Whether or not you end up dating or married, most people fall in love at some point in their lives. Sometimes it’s to another person, but sometimes it’s a dog, a body of water, or a tree. Everybody loves something and while it can be a little scary, falling in love is also one of the most beautiful feelings out there. Enjoy it!
Cut Your Hair
Even if you like to rock super long locks, eventually they’ll get so long they’ll drag on the floor and you’ll have to cut them. Most people’s parents take them for their first haircut when they are small children – so whether or not this one happens to you may actually be out of your control.
Not the most fun one on this list, but the hard truth is that most of us work five days a week for the majority of our adult lives. Statistically speaking, you are highly likely to have to work at least some of your life away. Even those who have found a way around it and have their lives funded by a wealthy parent or spouse will probably end up working at least once in their lifetime. Now get back to work!
Life is a crazy journey and every experience is interesting. Try to remember that, especially when you are experiencing a new feeling for the very first (or only!) time, and make the most out of all of the moments you have, because one more thing to add that we’ll all eventually do once is die.