People who have been married for a long period of time may find that their relationship starts to fizzle out at some point. Most couples will tell you that this has happened to them at least once throughout the years period the good news is that it’s possible to reignite your relationship and bring passion back into your marriage. After the initial newness has worn off, a lot of couples make the mistake of thinking that the excitement is gone forever and often wind up getting divorced. There are ways that you can get close again as a couple. Take a look at some of the best ways to rekindle your marriage and bring back the butterflies.
Start a New Hobby Together
One of the biggest reasons why couples lose their way is because they don’t do the same things that they once did in the beginning. Consider starting a new activity together, just like you might have done during the early stages of your relationship. Get excited about something together and be a team during the learning experience. Something new can breathe life into your relationship and get you excited about each other again. Choose an activity that you both enjoy so that it becomes something that you look forward to as a couple.
Physical Touch
Never underestimate the power of physical touch. Even though you may not have touched each other in a while, it’s not too late to start again. Even the smallest touch on the other person’s hand can bring back arousal and remind you of when you first fell in love.
Intimacy isn’t always just about sex. It can also be something as simple as hugging cuddling or a hand on the other person’s shoulder. Make an effort to touch each other at least a few times a day, and you’ll start to feel much more connected romantically.
Take a Trip
It’s easy to see why people get bored in their relationship when they don’t do anything together. Get out of the house and take a vacation somewhere. Consider going somewhere that you’ve always wanted to go but never have. By taking time to relax and go on an adventure together, you’ll create new memories together. Don’t associate your partner with just the person you live with and pay the bills with period don’t forget there also your lover and friend. A trip can remind you of just how much fun you’re capable of having together.
They say nature’s best medicine is laughter. Shake things up and make the other person laugh more often. When you make each other laugh, it builds a sense of trust in communication. Try to make an effort to be as lighthearted as possible when things start dying down in your relationship. Sometimes telling a good joke can work wonders for your marriage.