Product badges have been around for some time now, but most people don’t know what this term means. If you’re looking for ways to boost your brand and increase conversions, badging your products should help you do that.
And the numbers don’t lie. Research carried out on internet marketing shows that product badging can increase conversion by up to 55%.
What Are These Badges?
Unlike regular badges that you find on clothes, product badges are computer-generated stickers used to draw the attention of online shoppers. They typically contain information such as unique offers on the said item.
Why Should You Use Them?
These labels have a host of benefits for those running e-commerce businesses. First, it makes finding products easy for clients. Secondly, the information displayed helps shoppers make more accurate decisions.
Now that you know how item badging works, it is time we understand what makes for a suitable badge.
Make It Simple
Simple statements such as “10% Off,” “On Sale,” or “Best Seller” are enough to attract a customer’s attention. In normal circumstances, most shoppers are looking to get the best value for their money. In such cases, clients will rarely pass on an item with an On-Sale tag without checking it out.
Find the Right Colours
When it comes to human interaction, color plays an essential role. Picking overly bright colors will most certainly not catch the attention of your buyers.
Pro tip! Don’t overdo the designs of your badges. Nonetheless, if you are not good at designing, you can hire a professional badge maker to create them for you.
Avoid Having Too Many
One badge too many will negatively affect the aesthetics of your online shop. Even worse, it won’t draw the attention of your customers as you would expect.
The idea of badging your items is to make them stand out from the crowd. So, be cautious when using labels on your products.
Make Use of Videos
Remember that you are trying to convince the buyer and there is no better way to do this than adding a video type of badge. This is supposed to highlight the product and help the client get an in-depth view of it.
Multiview Badges
Nowadays, multiview badges are the big thing. The sticker will get activated when the user hovers over it. The zooming effect will help the client get a more in-depth look and view the product from different angles.
Take Advantage of Holidays and Special Occasions
Holidays such as New Years and Christmas often carry a boom in shopping. You can use badges to highlight a different product that matches the current holiday season. For instance, during Christmas, you can have a Best Seller tag or sign on Christmas sweaters.
Online marketing is heavily influenced by branding and advertising. Using badges will help you boost conversions. There are also e-commerce tools available that can help you automate the badge branding process.
Your primary goal should be making your products stand out and convincing customers to buy them.